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This web site features new car buying tips provided by consumer advocate & auto expert Mark Eskeldson, author of What Car Dealers Don't Want You to Know. Mark also wrote What Auto Mechanics Don't Want You to Know, the first hard-hitting exposé of the biggest names in the repair business. His books have been featured in Smart Money, Kiplinger's, Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal, and on ABC, NBC and CBS TV.
NEW! Be sure to read How I Bought A Popular New SUV for $3,611 Below Dealer Invoice.
Money Saving Tips & Resources: New car buying tips plus resources for buying or leasing cars & trucks. Information and free price quotes on new & used cars, loans, leases, insurance, extended warranties, vehicle history reports and much more.
Click here to see a list of the categories of personal information we collect and what we use them for ('Notice at Collection'). Privacy Policy Do Not Sell My. Department of Health and Human Services, recommends adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week. This comes down to aiming for a minimum of 30 minutes of daily activity. Free horse racing tips. HORSE RACING: UK IRELAND.

Looking for a new car or truck? Click Here for Free Quotes.
How To Buy A New Car Below Invoice: Learn how to buy new cars at huge discounts, often below the dealer invoice price. Smart shopper secrets revealed!
Car Buying Secrets: Learn the most common tricks that new car dealers use to overcharge people. Great car buying tips to protect new car shoppers!

Car Leasing Secrets: Learn the most common tricks that have been used to overcharge people on leases.
Car Buying FAQ: See this section for answers to the most common questions asked by car buyers.

Leasing Secrets, Part 2: How to Get Great Lease Deals. Learn all about lease residuals, how to calculate lease payments, and how to get great lease deals.
NewCarBuyingTips blog: See videos of undercover investigations, car dealer tricks and scams, how to buy new cars, and more new car buying tips.
Auto Repair Secrets: Find out which well-known companies have been accused of selling unnecessary repairs after undercover investigations were done. Learn how quotas, sales commissions and contests have been used to encourage mechanics to sell more repairs -- and which big-name companies were sued over those practices.
CarInfo News Page: Contains stories of auto-related consumer rip-offs that may have received little or no coverage by the mainstream news media. (The offending companies are usually among the biggest advertisers for TV, radio, and/or newspapers.)
In this site, you will find a lot of information on the deceptive practices of many large, well-known companies in the automotive industry. And if you spend any time at all visiting other car sites, you'll notice that we're the only ones with all this information. Since our 'inside secrets' and exposés are all true (most are actually common knowledge inside the auto industry), you might ask yourself why the other sites aren't telling people the whole story. If they don't know these secrets, they're not really car experts. And if they do know, why are they keeping it from the public? Do your friends a big favor - spread the word about our great new car buying tips by using the social media buttons below.
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publicCDC Community Mitigation Guidance
CDC Guidance for Preventing Spread in Communities
people_outlineSocial Distancing
IDPH Social Distancing Recommendations
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IDPH General Prevention Recommendations
Americans should be prepared for the possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak in their community. The community can take measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Currently a vaccine or drug is not available for COVID-19. Community-based interventions such as school dismissals, event cancellations, social distancing, and creating employee plans to work remotely can help slow the spread of COVID-19. Individuals can practice everyday prevention measures like frequent hand washing, staying home when sick, and covering coughs and sneezes.
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Decisions about the implementation of community measures will be made by local and state officials, in consultation with federal officials as appropriate, and based on the scope of the outbreak and the severity of illness. Implementation will require extensive community engagement, with ongoing and transparent public health communications.
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Preparing Long Term Care Facilities
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Preparing Homeless Shelters and Preventing Spread in the Homeless Community