Erik Lindgren
ArticleApproximation of the least Rayleigh quotient for degree p homogeneous functionals
When it comes to stories of poker pros going bust, they don’t come much uglier than Erick Lindgren’s sad tale of debts, gambling degeneracy, bankruptcy, and legal actions. As the ‘All-American face of poker’, Lindgren was one of the most successful poker players of. Sell This Version. The Space Negros, Magic Mose And His Royal Rockers, The Jethros, Erik Lindgren (2) The Space Negros, Magic Mose And His Royal Rockers, The Jethros, Erik Lindgren (2) - Have A Lousy Xmas (LP) Jingle Jungle, Arf! Erick Lindgren, Actor: Lucky You. Erick Lindgren was born on August 11, 1976 in Burney, California, USA. He is an actor, known for Lucky You (2007), National Heads-Up Poker Championship (2006) and Poker Superstars III (2006). Erik Lindgren, Peter Lindqvist; Potential Analysis. An International Journal Devoted to the Interactions between Potential Theory, Probability Theory, Geometry and Functional Analysis 46 (4), 705-737, 2017. Posted by: Erik Lindgren. DOI MSC 2010: 35R11 31B35 35J60 35J70 35R09.

Journal of Functional Analysis 272 (12), 2017

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We present two novel methods for approximating minimizers of the abstract Rayleigh quotient $Phi(u)/ u ^p$. Here $Phi$ is a strictly convex functional on a Banach space with norm $ cdot $, and $Phi$ is assumed to be positively homogeneous of degree $pin (1,infty)$. Minimizers are shown to satisfy $partial Phi(u)- lambdamathcal{J}_p(u)ni 0$ for a certain $lambdain mathbb{R}$, where $mathcal{J}_p$ is the subdifferential of $frac{1}{p} cdot ^p$. The first approximation scheme is based on inverse iteration for square matrices and involves sequences that satisfy $$ partial Phi(u_k)- mathcal{J}_p(u_{k-1})ni 0 quad (kin mathbb{N}). $$ The second method is based on the large time behavior of solutions of the doubly nonlinear evolution $$ mathcal{J}_p(dot v(t))+partialPhi(v(t))ni 0 quad(a.e.;t>0) $$ and more generally $p$-curves of maximal slope for $Phi$. We show that both schemes have the remarkable property that the Rayleigh quotient is nonincreasing along solutions and that properly scaled solutions converge to a minimizer of $Phi(u)/ u ^p$. These results are new even for Hilbert spaces and their primary application is in the approximation of optimal constants and extremal functions for inequalities in Sobolev spaces.